Grosse Pointe Congregational
Church office
Office Hours
- By Appointment Only
- Sat - Sun: Closed
Welcome to Grosse Pointe Congregational Church, I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Our congregation is ablaze with the energy and love of the Holy Spirit. Through God’s wondrous love, we are a caring congregation: caring for the spiritual and hunger needs of our members and non-members.
This is evident by our decision to build a barrier free building with an elevator that reaches all levels of the church building. By creating barrier free restrooms (even when there was no mandate by the city nor State to do so), and we created a barrier free performance stage so all persons can participate.
We also launched a arts ministry, deaf ministry and a theatre ministry because we believe the Spirit of God speaks to us in visual, performance, and even in “silent words.”
Our congregation is part of the United Church of Christ ( family and we come from all walks of life to center our lives and hearts on God. Each week the Sunday message encourage us to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we discern, together, what we believe we hear the Still-Speaking God saying.
If you are looking for a church family, we’d love to adopt you as a brother or sister in Christ. We also invite you to listen to our weekly sermons, and if your life is changed or you are inspired by God to give to our ministries, please donate so we can keep operating and spreading the good news of God everywhere.
God’s blessings,
Rev. Richard Yeager-Stiver
(Available from 9:45 am – 11:15 am)
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You’ll find a broad range of cultures and styles in our “united and uniting church” as we have persons who have a Catholic, Church of the Brethren, Congregational, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Assembly of God, and Mennonite background. Many of these faith styles blend and combine worship components so that everyone feels spiritually fed. The best way to find out if this wonderful blend of worship styles fits your needs is to visit us during worship at 10am on Sunday.
Grosse Pointe Congregational Church is proud to be among the churches recognized as an Open & Affirming (ONA) church, affirming the full inclusion of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender persons (LGBT) in the church’s life and ministry. God is Love and we accept everyone.
The best way to get started is to come and be part of our journey—worship with us, fellowship with us, and learn with us. There is no pressure to join as a member, although we may ask you to consider becoming a member. If you discover that you are interested in becoming a member of Grosse Pointe Congregational Church, you can use the “Contact Us” form or call the church for more information.
When you are interested in joining as a member, contact the Pastor. Afterward, the Pastor will meet with you (and your family) to talk about where and how you feel God is leading you. After this meeting you will be welcomed into the congregation during a Sunday worship service, or a private service can be conducted if you don’t feel comfortable standing in front of people. The important part is that we want you to be led by the Holy Spirit as you enhance your relationship with God.
All are welcome to our church home! All who walk through the doors are part of our family and free to take communion. Your faith walk is your personal journey, but it is nice to share the road. God bless you!
Richard Yeager-Stiver, obtained Bachelor of Science in Religion, Psychology Minor, 2000. Went on for Master of Divinity, Bethany Theological Seminary, 2004. He is excited to work with persons of all ages who are on ‘fire’ for the Lord by speaking “truth to the ‘powers-that-are,’” and living an authentic Christian life.
You don’t have to join as a member to participate in the life of our faith community. You can receive Communion, attend our meetings, and attend fellowship services. However, to participate in the democratic process of voting on church facility usage, financial matters, church polity matters, selecting church leadership officers, having a voice to Call a Minister to service, or voting on the future of the congregation, you must be a member. You must also be a member to serve as a church leadership officer.
We do not have a dress code. We simply ask that you don’t show up naked or in anything that might make your grandmother blush. But if you want to wear your pajamas – you are welcome to do so.
GPCC is a self-governing Christian congregation affiliated with the United Church of Christ. We hold a wide variety of theological, social, and political opinions, but most importantly we follow Jesus Christ our Lord, and his commandment to love each other. If you are looking for a joyful and spiritually uplifting community that embraces the love of Jesus Christ and God’s creations, come and join us. We will RISE to the occasion.
© 2025 Grosse Pointe Congregational Church
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